مصنع محترف للبلاط وأسطح العمل من الحجر حسب الحجم

black woood vein marble


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Black Wood Marble

Black Wood Marble

Black Wood Marble is a stunning natural stone renowned for its unique combination of dark coloration and wood-like veining patterns. This exquisite marble is highly sought after for its striking aesthetic appeal and its ability to add a touch of elegance and sophistication to any space. With its rich black background and intricate vein patterns resembling the delicate grains of wood, Black Wood Marble stands out as a luxurious and captivating choice for various applications.

The distinctive beauty of Black Wood Marble is derived from its formation process, which involves the natural metamorphosis of limestone over millions of years. The geological forces responsible for its creation imbue the stone with its characteristic veining patterns, resulting in a visually striking masterpiece of nature.

Natural Marble Products: Black Wood Marble Cut-to-Size Tiles

Marble Colors: Wooden Black Marble, Black Wood Marble 

حجم بلاط الأرضيات والجدران: 12 × 12 بوصة، 24 بوصة × 24 بوصة، 12 بوصة × 24 بوصة، إلخ
السُمك: 10، 18، 20، 30 ملم
السطح: مصقول، شحذ 
موك: 300 متر مربع

مصنع بلاط الرخام الطبيعي: استا ستون

التطبيق: توفر Esta Stone أكثر من 100 حجر رخام طبيعي لمشاريع الأرضيات والجدران الداخلية، مثل الفنادق ومباني المكاتب ومراكز التسوق والمنتجعات الصحية والمطاعم.

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