Professionelle Fabrik für Fliesen und Arbeitsplatten aus Stein im Zuschnitt

Baltisch brauner Granit



Baltisch brauner Granit

Baltischer brauner Granit ist eine Art von Naturstein, die ihren Ursprung hat. Aufgrund seines einzigartigen und auffälligen Aussehens ist er eine beliebte Wahl für Fliesen und Arbeitsplatten. 

Braune, schwarze und graue Elemente sind in baltisch braunem Granit reichlich kombiniert. Mit markanten, kreisförmigen Mineralmustern in einer Reihe von Braun- und Schwarztönen ist der vorherrschende Farbton in der Regel ein warmes Braun. Diese Muster sorgen für ein unverwechselbares und markantes Erscheinungsbild, das jedem Raum Tiefe und Persönlichkeit verleihen kann.
Stärke und Haltbarkeit sind bekannte Eigenschaften von baltisch braunem Granit. Aufgrund seiner Dichte und Härte ist dieser Stoff immun gegen Absplitterungen, Risse und Kratzer. Aufgrund seiner Widerstandsfähigkeit kann er in stark beanspruchten Bereichen wie Küchenarbeitsplatten verwendet werden, wo er unter dem Druck der regelmäßigen Nutzung nicht bricht.

Artikel aus Granit: Baltische braune Granitplatte Polierte Arbeitsplatte Boden- und Wandfliesen
Granitfarbe:Brauner Granit ; Baltischer Brauner Granit ; Brauner Baltischer Granit
Granit Größe: 300x600, 600x600, 600x150, 457x457, 800x800 mm
Dicke: 1,8cm, 2cm, 3cm, etc
Oberfläche: Poliert, geschliffen, geledert
MOQ: 300 SQM
Grüne Granitfabrik: ESTA STONE


Polished Baltic Brown Granite Slab Floor and Wall Covering Tiles For Building Internal and External Projects

Polished Baltic Brown Granite slabs can indeed be used as floor and wall covering tiles for both internal and external projects.


Baltic Brown Granite is a natural stone that is appropriate for flooring in high-traffic areas because it is strong and can tolerate a lot of foot wear. Because of its toughness and ability to resist chips, cracks, and scratches, it can sustain the rigors of regular use.

Ästhetische Anziehungskraft:

The polished surface of Baltic Brown Granite slabs highlights the stone’s inherent beauty and gives it a posh, sophisticated appearance. A range of design styles can be complemented by the complex patterns and rich brown tones, which also offer visual appeal.


Projects both inside and outside can make use of Baltic Brown Granite. It is frequently used as flooring in hallways, kitchens, bathrooms, and entryways in both residential and commercial buildings. In addition, it can be utilized for exterior projects like patio flooring or façade cladding, as well as accent walls, fireplace surrounds, and wall cladding.


To maintain the finest possible appearance, Baltic Brown Granite, like any other natural stone, needs to be done on a regular basis. Regularly vacuuming or sweeping the floor will aid in the removal of dirt and debris. When cleaning, stay away from harsh chemicals that could damage the stone or remove the polish and instead use a pH-neutral stone cleaner. Granite may be kept stain-free and long-lasting by periodically sealing it.


When wet, polished granite surfaces can be particularly slick. When choosing Baltic Brown Granite for flooring, slip resistance is a crucial factor to take into account, particularly in places that are subject to moisture. Applying non-slip coatings or mats can improve safety and avert mishaps.

Professional Installation:

To guarantee correct installation, it is advised to engage with a professional installer who has dealt with natural stone before. Correct substrate preparation, uniform tile placement, and precise grouting and sealing are all guaranteed by a professional.

YouTube Video

Dimension of Baltic Brown Granite


Produktname   Baltic Brown Granite Polished Surface Floor and Wall Tiles




Übliche Größen







Bramme  Größe

1800(aufwärts) x 600(aufwärts)mm

2400(aufwärts) x 1200(aufwärts)mm

2800(bis) x 1500(bis)mm usw.


15mm, 18mm, 20mm, 25mm, 30mm, etc





305 x 305 mm oder 12" x 12"

400 x 400 mm oder 16" x 16"

457 x 457 mm oder 18" x 18"

600 x 600 mm oder 24" x 24" usw.


10mm, 12mm, 15mm, 18mm, 20mm, 25mm, etc




 96″ x 26″, 76″x36″, 98 "x26″, 108″ x 26″
Danke  3/4″, 3/8″, 1/2"




Größe 25″x22″, 31″x22″, 37 "x22″, 49″x22″, 60″ x22"
Danke  3/4″, 3/8″, 1/2"



100X50, 100X100, 100×200, 200X200, 400X400mm, etc


20mm, 30mm, 40mm, 50mm, 60mm, 80mm, 100mm, 120mm

Bordsteinkante Größe


Material  Granit
Farbe  Braun

 Poliert, geschliffen, Antik, säuregewaschen, wasserabweisend, geflammt, etc.


  ±1mm Preis EXW, FOB, CNF, Verhandlung


  Innen&außen  Hafen Hafen Xiamen


Application of Polished Baltic Brown Granite

There are many uses for polished Baltic Brown granite in outdoor, business, and residential environments.


Baltic Brown Granite is a well-liked option for countertops in bathrooms and kitchens. Its polished surface gives the area a touch of luxury and elegance. Baltic Brown Granite’s deep brown hues and complex patterns produce an eye-catching focal point for the space.


Living rooms, hallways, entryways, and other areas of the house can all be covered with Baltic Brown Granite. It is appropriate for high-traffic areas because of its resilience to intense foot traffic and durability. The granite’s smooth surface provides a reflecting.


A variety of interior applications call for the usage of Baltic Brown Granite as wall cladding. It can be put in place as a highlight wall in business spaces or as an accent wall in living rooms and dining rooms. The polished stone surface gives the space depth and character while making a stunning backdrop.

Polished Baltic Brown Granite:

This stone is frequently used to make fireplace surrounds. The fireplace area is made more visually interesting and pleasant by the natural patterns and deep brown tones of the granite. Because of the polished finish’s ability to reflect light, the room’s main point is intriguing.

Verwendung im Freien:

Patio flooring, pool surrounds, and outdoor kitchen counters are just a few outdoor uses for polished Baltic brown granite. It can survive external elements thanks to its resilience to weathering and durability.

It’s vital to remember that depending on the project and the intended use of polished Baltic Brown Granite, the precise application and installation requirements may change. Choosing, installing, and maintaining granite correctly for the intended use can be ensured by working with a qualified stone fabricator or design consultant.

Professional Baltic Brown Granite Tiles | Slabs | Countertops Factory In China



It’s crucial to think about proper upkeep when using Baltic Brown Granite. Maintaining Baltic Brown Granite is relatively straightforward. 

Verhindern Sie Kratzer:

Granite is not impervious to scratches, despite its extreme durability. Steer clear of applying sharp or abrasive materials directly onto the surface. When making food, use chopping blocks or cutting boards, and use caution when handling heavy or sharp objects that can scratch the granite.

Regular Inspection:

Look for any indications of damage, chips, or cracks on the surface on a regular basis. To take quick action on any problems you see, speak with a qualified stone fabricator or restoration specialist.

Tägliche Reinigung:

Use warm water and a gentle cloth or sponge to clean the surface on a regular basis. Another option is to use a gentle, pH-neutral stone cleanser made especially for granite. Steer clear of scrub brushes and aggressive cleaners that could harm the surface.

Sofortige Reinigung von verschütteten Stoffen:

Spills should be cleaned up right once to avoid leaving stains. While acidic materials such as wine, vinegar, or citrus juices may not stain granite, they may create discoloration if kept on the surface for a long time. After using a paper towel or soft cloth to absorb the liquid, lightly clean the affected area with a mild cleanser.

Brasilianischer Via Lactea Schwarzer Granit Boden- und Wandfliesen Lieferant-Esta Stone

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