Fábrica profesional de baldosas y encimeras de piedra cortada a medida

Aran Mármol Blanco


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Aran Mármol Blanco

El mármol Aran White es un tipo de mármol conocido por su aspecto lujoso y su sutil belleza. El mármol Aran White tiene un fondo principalmente blanco con sutiles vetas grises que le confieren un aspecto refinado y clásico.

El mármol Aran White se utiliza con frecuencia para una gran variedad de proyectos de interior y exterior, como encimeras, revestimientos de paredes, suelos y piezas decorativas. Puede combinarse con una gran variedad de estilos de diseño, desde el tradicional al contemporáneo, gracias a su color claro y veteado natural.

  • Mármol Item: Aran blanco Mármol   
  • Color Mármol: Mármol Aran; Mármol Blanco
  • Marble  Size: 300x600, 600x600, 600x150, 457x457, 800x800 mm
  • Grosor: 1,8 cm, 2 cm, 3 cm, etc.
  • Superficie: Pulido, apomazado, curtido
  • MOQ: 300 M
  • Fábrica de mármol blanco: ESTA STONE


Natural White Stone Aran White Marble for Tile Floor Home Hotel Project

Natural Aran white marble is a common option for tile flooring in both commercial and residential buildings, including residences and hotels. Its delicate veining and natural white tone can provide any area a refined and attractive appearance. 

Natural stone Aran White marble is very sought after and prized for its sophisticated and classic beauty. This marble, which was quarried in the Aran Islands off the coast of Ireland, has a primarily white background with subtle grey veining. It is a well-liked option for numerous applications in both residential and commercial construction due to its opulent appearance and adaptability.

The pure white tone of Aran White marble is one of its defining characteristics; it gives any area a feeling of refinement and brightness. The stone’s overall aesthetic appeal is enhanced by the slight movement and visual interest created by the grey veins that meander through it.


Aran White Marble Because of its strength and longevity, is a good choice for flooring applications. Remember, though, that marble is still a natural stone, and that etching and scratches can occur. Its look can be preserved with proper care and maintenance, such as routine sealing and steering clear of harsh chemicals.


Aran White Marble are several finishes for white marble tiles, such as polished, honed, and brushed. While honed marble has a smooth, matte appearance, polished marble has a glossy, shiny surface. The surface of brushed marble is rough and appears somewhat worn. When selecting the finish for your tile flooring, take the intended look and the degree of slip resistance into consideration.

Dimensions and Design:

Aran White marble tiles are available in a range of sizes, such as conventional square or rectangular shapes. Take into account the area’s dimensions as well as the tile arrangement or pattern that you want. Smaller tiles can offer more detailed patterns, but larger-format tiles might give an impression of space and coherence.


Because marble is a porous material, as was already said, it needs to be properly maintained. It is advised to seal and clean marble on a regular basis using non-abrasive, pH-neutral solutions to preserve its look.

YouTube vídeo

Dimension of Natrual Stone Aran White Mármol 


Nombre del producto  Aran White Marble Polished Surface Kitchen Bathroom Home Hotel Project




Tamaños comunes







Losa  Talla

1800(hasta) x 600(hasta)mm

2400(hasta) x 1200(hasta)mm

2800(hasta) x 1500(hasta)mm, etc.


15 mm, 18 mm, 20 mm, 25 mm, 30 mm, etc.





305 x 305 mm o 12" x 12".

400 x 400 mm o 16" x 16".

457 x 457 mm o 18" x 18".

600 x 600 mm o 24" x 24", etc.


10 mm, 12 mm, 15 mm, 18 mm, 20 mm, 25 mm, etc.




 96″ x 26″, 76″x36″, 98 "x26″, 108″ x 26″
Gracias  3/4″, 3/8″, 1/2"




Talla 25″x22″, 31″x22″, 37 "x22″, 49″x22″, 60″ x22"
Gracias  3/4″, 3/8″, 1/2"



100X50, 100X100,100×200, 200X200,400X400mm, etc.


20 mm, 30 mm, 40 mm, 50 mm, 60 mm, 80 mm, 100 mm, 120 mm

Bordillo Talla


Material Mármol
Color Blanco
Acabado superficial

 Pulido, apomazado, Antiguo, Lavado al ácido, Hidrófugo, Flameado, etc.

Tolerancia de grosor

  ±1 mm Precio EXW, FOB, CNF, Negociación


  Interior y exterior  Puerto Puerto de Xiamen


Application of Natural Stone Aran White Mármol   

Aran White marble, with its elegant appearance and versatile nature, is widely used in both residential and commercial settings. 


Because of its opulent and classic appearance, Aran White marble is widely utilized for flooring. Installing it in living rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, or entryways gives the area a refined and elegant touch. Aran White marble’s light hue and delicate veining can contribute to a feeling of space and openness.

Revestimiento de paredes:

To improve the visual attractiveness of an interior or outdoor environment, Aran White marble is frequently used as wall cladding. It can be used on backsplashes, shower walls, fireplace surrounds, and accent walls. Aran White marble’s organic veining patterns draw the eye and establish a focal point for the space.  

Counters and Vanity Tops:

Aran White Marble is a popular option for bathroom vanity tops and kitchen counters because of its strength and heat resistance. It gives the whole design a hint of refinement while offering a hygienic and stylish surface for food preparation and personal grooming.

Accent Pieces and Accessories:

Aran White Marble can be used as accent pieces and accessories for aesthetic purposes. Tabletops, ornamental items, sculptures, and even specially made furniture can be made with it. These pieces have an opulent touch that adds to the atmosphere because of the natural beauty of Aran White marble.

Commercial Applications:

Aran White Marble Commercial developments like hotels, restaurants, and office buildings also frequently employ white marble. It creates a classy and inviting ambiance in lobbies, corridors, reception rooms, and other high-traffic areas.

Professional Natural Aran White Mármol Stone Tiles | Slabs | Countertops Factory In China



Proper maintenance is essential to preserve the beauty and longevity of Natural Stone Aran White Marble.

Sellado normal:

Aran white marble is a porous material, stains and liquids can easily penetrate it. Using a premium sealer designed especially for marble surfaces is imperative. Sealing establishes a barrier of defense that helps deter stains and facilitates cleaning. Although the frequency of sealing varies depending on variables including usage and moisture exposure, it is generally advised to reseal every six to twelve months.

Limpieza inmediata del vertido:

To reduce the chance of staining Aran White marble, clean up spills as soon as possible. Rather than cleaning the spill, blot it with a paper towel or soft, absorbent fabric to prevent further spreading of the liquid and possible damage. After cleaning with a mild dish soap or a pH-neutral stone cleanser, thoroughly dry the surface and rinse with clean water.

Avoid Acidic Cleaners:

Certain cleaning solutions, vinegar, and lemon juice are examples of acidic materials that can etch and harm marble surfaces. Aran White marble should not be cleaned with acidic cleaners. Rather, use moderate, safe-for-marble stone cleansers that are pH-neutral or made especially for marble.

Aran White Marble Floor and Wall Tiles Supplier-Esta Stone

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