Fábrica profesional de baldosas y encimeras de piedra cortada a medida

Mármol de madera negro


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Mármol de madera negro

El mármol Black Wood es una piedra natural impresionante, famosa por su combinación única de color oscuro y vetas similares a las de la madera. Este exquisito mármol es muy codiciado por su sorprendente atractivo estético y su capacidad para añadir un toque de elegancia y sofisticación a cualquier espacio. Con su rico fondo negro y sus intrincados patrones de veteado que se asemejan a las delicadas vetas de la madera, el mármol Black Wood destaca como una opción lujosa y cautivadora para diversas aplicaciones.

La belleza distintiva del mármol Black Wood se deriva de su proceso de formación, que implica la metamorfosis natural de la piedra caliza a lo largo de millones de años. Las fuerzas geológicas responsables de su creación imbuyen a la piedra de sus característicos patrones de veteado, dando como resultado una obra maestra de la naturaleza visualmente impactante.

Productos de mármol natural: Baldosas cortadas a medida de mármol de madera negro

Mármol Colores: Mármol Negro Madera, Mármol Negro Madera 

Azulejos de piso y pared Tamaño:12′ X 12″,24′ X 24″,12′ X 24″,etc.
Espesor: 10, 18, 20, 30 mm
Superficie: Pulido, apomazado 
MOQ: 300 M

Fábrica de baldosas de mármol natural: Esta Stone

Aplicaciones: Esta Stone proporciona 100+ Piedras de Mármol Natural para proyectos de pisos y paredes interiores, tales como hoteles, edificios de oficinas, centros comerciales, Spas y Restaurantes.


Black Wood Marble Stone Slab

Black Wood Marble is a type of natural stone known for its striking combination of deep black color and distinctive wood-like veining patterns. It is a metamorphic rock that forms when limestone undergoes intense heat and pressure within the Earth’s crust. The result is a visually captivating marble with a unique aesthetic appeal.

The black background of Black Wood Marble provides a dramatic and luxurious base, while the intricate veins resemble the delicate grains found in wood. The veins can vary in color, ranging from white and gray to golden and brown tones, adding depth and character to the stone. The combination of dark hue and intricate veining creates a visually dynamic and mesmerizing effect.

This marble is often used in interior design and architectural projects, including flooring, wall cladding, countertops, and other decorative elements. Its dark coloration and sophisticated veining make it a versatile choice that can complement a wide range of design styles, from contemporary to traditional.

Overall, Black Wood Marble is a remarkable natural stone that exudes elegance, luxury, and timeless beauty. Its dark, wood-like veining patterns make it a captivating choice for those seeking to create a visually stunning and sophisticated space.

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Dimensions of Natural Black Wood Marble Floor and Wall Tiles

Black Wood Marble Floor and Wall Tiles
Losa: 2800 x 1800 mm, 2800 x 1600 mm, 2600 x 1600 mm, 2500 x 1500 mm, 2400 x 1400 mm, 2400 x 1200 mm.
Azulejos: 305 x 305 mm, 305 x 610 mm, 610 x 610 mm, etc.
Corte a medida: 300 x 300 mm, 300 x 600 mm, 600 x 600 mm, etc.
Otros tamaños a petición del cliente.
Pulido, Honed, Flameado, WaterJet, Leathered.
Detalles del paquete
1) Losa: interior de plástico + exterior de resistente haz de madera marino
2) Teja: espuma en el interior + cajas de madera resistentes y marineras con correas reforzadas en el exterior
3) Encimera: espuma en el interior + fuertes cajas de madera marineras con correas reforzadas en el exterior.
Garantía de calidad: Durante todo el proceso de producción, desde la elección del material hasta la fabricación y el embalaje, nuestro personal de garantía de calidad controlará estrictamente todos y cada uno de los procesos para garantizar los estándares de calidad y la puntualidad en la entrega.
Plazo de entrega: 7 días por envase.

Pedido mínimo: 300 METROS CUADRADOS
Artículo de precio: FOB Xiamen, China. o podemos enviar como las peticiones del cliente.
Pago: 30% Depósito antes de la producción, 70% Saldo antes del envío.

Black Wood Marble Flooring Tiles

Project Applications of Black  Wood Marble:
Black Wood Marble is a versatile natural stone that can be used in various applications to enhance the aesthetic appeal and sophistication of a space. Here are some common applications of Black Wood Marble: 


Crystal Wood Grain Marble is often used as flooring material in both residential and commercial spaces. Its unique wood grain patterns create a striking visual impact, adding warmth and character to any room. It is commonly installed in entryways, living rooms, dining areas, and bedrooms.

Revestimiento de paredes:

Black Wood Marble creates a striking and elegant flooring option. Whether used in large, open areas or as an accent in specific rooms, it adds a sense of luxury and visual interest. The dark background and intricate veining patterns make the floor a focal point, creating a dramatic and captivating atmosphere. 


Black Wood Marble countertops are a popular choice in kitchens, bathrooms, and other areas where a durable and visually striking surface is desired. The dark color and natural veining patterns make each countertop a one-of-a-kind piece, adding a touch of elegance and luxury to the space.

Decorative Accents:

Black Wood Marble can be used to create various decorative accents, such as tabletops, shelving, and decorative objects. These accents add a touch of luxury and sophistication to any space, creating visual interest and elevating the overall design aesthetic.

Bathroom Applications:

Black Wood Marble is frequently utilized in bathrooms for vanities, shower walls, and bathtub surrounds. Its dark color and elegant veining patterns create a spa-like atmosphere, transforming the bathroom into a serene and luxurious retreat.

It’s important to note that the specific application of Black Wood Marble can vary depending on individual design preferences and project requirements. With its versatility and timeless beauty, Black Wood Marble offers a wide range of possibilities for creating stunning and visually captivating spaces

Black Wood Marble Tiles Factory


Mármol de madera natural para suelos y paredes Fábrica | esta Stone

Proper maintenance is essential to preserve the beauty and longevity of Black Wood Marble. Here are some guidelines for maintaining and caring for this natural stone:


Black Wood Marble should be sealed upon installation and periodically thereafter to protect it from stains and moisture penetration. A high-quality penetrating sealer formulated for natural stone should be used. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application and reapplication, as the frequency may vary depending on usage and exposure.


Regular cleaning is necessary to keep Black Wood Marble looking its best. Use a pH-neutral stone cleaner or a mild dish soap mixed with warm water to clean the marble surfaces. Avoid using acidic or abrasive cleaners, as they can damage the stone. Gently wipe the surface with a soft cloth or sponge, and rinse thoroughly to remove any residue. Dry the marble with a soft towel to prevent water spots.

Prevención de manchas:

Wipe up spills promptly to prevent staining. Acidic substances like citrus juices, wine, and vinegar can etch the surface of the marble, so it’s important to clean them up immediately. Avoid using harsh or abrasive materials when cleaning, as they can scratch the surface.


Use coasters, trivets, or placemats under glasses, bottles, and hot items to protect the marble from heat, moisture rings, and scratches. Place felt pads or glides under furniture legs to prevent scratching when moving or sliding them.

Evite los productos químicos agresivos:

Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners, including bleach, ammonia, and vinegar, as they can damage the marble surface. Also, avoid using abrasive scrub brushes or scouring pads that can scratch the stone.

Regular Inspection: Periodically inspect the marble for any signs of damage, such as chips, cracks, or loose tiles. If you notice any issues, consult with a professional stone restoration specialist for proper repair and restoration.

Mantenimiento profesional:

It is recommended to have professional maintenance performed on Black Wood Marble periodically. Professional cleaning, polishing, and resealing can help revitalize the stone’s appearance and ensure its long-term durability.

By following these maintenance guidelines and caring for Black Wood Marble properly, you can help preserve its natural beauty and ensure that it remains an exquisite addition to your space for years to come.

Proveedor de suelos de mármol de madera | Esta Stone

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