Professional Stone Cut-to-Size laatat ja työtasot Factory

Musta graniitti laatta lattia


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Musta graniitti laatta lattia
Absolute Black -mustaa suositellaan sekä sisä- että ulkokäyttöön kauniiden graniittisten työtasojen, lattioiden, arkkitehtonisten yksityiskohtien ja ulkoverhousten luomiseen.
Materiaali: Graniitti: Intian musta graniitti
Paksuus: 10,20,30mm
Pinta: Kiillotettu, hiottu, liekitetty
MOQ: 100 SQM
Tehdas: Esta Stone


Indian Black Granite Polished Flooring Tiles For Interior or Exterior Projects

Natural stone like this beautiful Black Granite Tile Flooring with 12'' x 12'',24''x24'' with Absolute Black Granite Tile is an excellent flooring choice for interior and exterior projects.

In architectural decoration design, Black Granite Tile Flooring is essential and the best color to match. Black granite flooring tile is widely used, it is often used for foundation, bridge piers, steps, pavement, also can be used for masonry houses, fences, especially for building monumental buildings

India Black Granite Tile is known for its reflective surface and has tiny flecks of light grey. This stunning night granite background is a charming base for your loved one’s inscription and images to honor their life and loves. This is a traditional choice for flat and upright headstones alike.

Indian Absolute Black Granite Floor Tile is a solid black granite from India that has a very consistent color and texture. Absolute Black is recommended for both interior and exterior use to create beautiful granite countertops, floors, architectural features, and outdoor cladding.


Indian Black Granite


Laatat, määrämittaan leikatut, laatat

Suosittu laattakoko:

305x305mm, 300x600mm, 305x610mm,

400x400mm, 457x457mm, 400x800mm,

600x600mm, 900x900mm, 1200x500mm,

600x600mm, 900x900mm, 1200x500mm,

1200x600mm tai muu koko asiakkaan pyynnöstä.

Suosittu pieni (puolikas) laatan koko:

240up x 60cm/70cm/80cm
250up x 60cm/70cm/80cm
250up x 60cm/70cm/80cm
250up x 60cm/70cm/80cm

Tai muu koko asiakkaan pyynnöstä

Suosittu iso laatan koko:

240up x 120up cm, 240up x 130up cm
250up x 120up cm, 250up x 130up cm
260up x 140up cm, 260up x 150up cm

Tai muu koko asiakkaan pyynnöstä

Tavallinen paksuus:

1.0cm, 1.5cm, 1.8cm, 2cm, 3cm, 4cm, 5cm, 6cm jne...


Kiillotettu, hiottu, liekitetty, Bush Hammered, hiekkapuhallettu, taltattu jne....


vahvoilla kaasutetuilla puulaatikoilla, puisilla kuormalavoilla, puisilla nipuilla jne...


VAPAAEHTOISET NÄYTTEET toimitetaan, kun pyyntö on esitetty.

Black Granite Flooring Tiles

Indian Black Granite Tiles with Polished Surface, Sizes 900x900x18mm, application Hotel Lobby floor and Building Exterior Wall Façade Tiles.


Q1: Can you supply one container every 8weeks to a company like ours?

A. Yes, we can do that. We do business with companies like yours. Supplying 2-3 containers a year is not a big deal for us.

Q2: What if we require multiple colors per container?

A. It won’t be a problem but the materials must come from any specific country. If you need mixed loads such as Indian, Brazilian, Swedish granites, etc, then they need to come from Italy.

Q3: What is the standard slab size you supply?

A. Well, it depends on the price range. There are different sizes of slabs that we supply as per the prices.

Q4: What is the delivery time per order?

A. When we dispatch a slab, it takes 2-4 weeks and strips will take 4-6 weeks. However, we try hard to reduce the time of delivery by working on extra production work.

Q5: What is your estimate of several slabs per Langshaw?

A. 2cm equals 375 meters square per container coming around to 90-100 slabs.

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