Pabrik Ubin dan Meja Batu Potong dan Batu Profesional

dark grey cultured stone manufuture


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Batu Berbudaya Abu-abu Gelap

Batu Berbudaya Abu-abu Gelap

 Dark grey cultured stone, sometimes referred to as dark grey quartz veneer or engineered stone, can give a variety of applications a sleek and modern appearance.
Dark gray cultured stone is a lovely and long-lasting material for external paneling. In addition to offering the advantages of low maintenance and weather resistance, it gives the façade of residential or commercial buildings texture and visual attractiveness.

Dark grey cultured stone accent walls can give interior rooms more depth and refinement. A dark grey accent wall can be used as a focal point and compliment a variety of design styles in living rooms, bedrooms, and commercial spaces like restaurant lobbies or hotel lobbies.

Stone Products: G654 Dark grey cultured stone 

Warna Batu: Dark Grey Granite; G654 Dark Gray

Pabrik Ubin Marmer Alami: Esta Stone

Aplikasi: Esta Stone menyediakan 100+ Batu Marmer Alam untuk proyek interior lantai dan dinding, seperti hotel, gedung perkantoran, mall, Spa, dan Restoran.

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