Pabrik Ubin dan Meja Batu Potong dan Batu Profesional

Batu tulis tahan lama

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Batu tulis tahan lama

Alasan mengapa batu bata slate adalah bahan yang ideal untuk kamar mandi memiliki keuntungan utama lainnya, yaitu sangat tahan aus.


This is why many people recommend installing slate flooring in high-traffic areas. In some cases, some owners will complain that there will be a “traffic map” on the slate floor, that is, frequent movement of people causes the slate to wear and form potholes.


This is not true. It must be pointed out that the cause of this “traffic map” is the curing agent that is regularly used on slate tiles. To know the care of this special floor tile, it is necessary to record the curing agent used to understand which type is compatible with which.

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