Fabbrica professionale di piastrelle e controsoffitti in pietra tagliata su misura

Precauzioni per l'acquisto e la posa in opera della pietra culturale



Precauzioni per l'acquisto e la posa in opera della pietra culturale

1. Cultural stone is not suitable for large-scale use indoors. Generally speaking, the use area of its wall is not suitable to exceed 1/3 of the wall of the space where it is located. And it is not advisable to have cultural stone walls multiple times in the room.

2. The cultural stone is installed outdoors, try not to use sandstone, because this kind of stone is easy to seep water. Even if the surface is water-repellent, it is susceptible to aging of the waterproof layer due to the sun and rain.

3. The indoor installation of cultural stones can choose close colors or complementary colors, but it is not suitable to use colors that emphasize the contrast between cold and warm.

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