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Atėnų Portoro aukso marmuro grindų plytelės


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Atėnų Portoro aukso marmuro grindų plytelės
Prekė: Atėnai Nero Portoro marmuro plytelės vidaus grindų ir sienų
Medžiaga: Atėnų auksinis Portoro marmuras
Size:600x300mm;1200x1200mm Thickness: 18,20,30mm
Paviršius: Poliruotas
MOQ: 100 SQM
Prekės ženklas: ESTA STONE
Taikymas: Namų, vilų, viešbučių ir kitų nekilnojamojo turto projektų


Athens Black and Gold Portoro Marble Floor Tiles For Interior Projects

Athens Portoro Marble, also known as black and gold marble, is a fine variety of Chinese black and gold marble. It is one of the most beautiful among the polychromatic black Portoro marbles. This precious Chinese stone consists of an intense and bright black color with gold veins running through it that range from intense yellow to honey color. This Chinese Portoro Marble has no difference in color and texture except that the pattern is different from the Italian gold Portoro, which is a substitute for the Italian Portoro marble and Athens Portoro Gold Marble Floor Tiles are preferred by contractors, builders, and design companies.

The deep and intense black color of Athens Portoro Gold Marble Floor Tiles gives the appearance of an almost velvety texture, which is particularly observable when the Athen Portoro marble flooring slabs are polished. These polished Athens black Portoro marble tiles and slabs look as if gold has been poured directly onto the stone. The veins, streaks, spots, and shadows of this black and gold marble are the result of pyrite and ocher-limonite substances.

Athens Gold Portoro Marble Floor TilesAthens Portoro Marble Floor Tiles

Medžiaga 100% natural black and gold Athens Portoro marble flooring tiles
Paviršiaus apdaila Poliruotas, šlifuotas, degintas, smėliuotas, grubiai kaltas, kaltas į krūmą, grubiai nušlifuotas ir t. t. 
Galimas kraštas Poliruotas, "Bush Hammer", plokščias, apipjautas, nupjautas, nuožulnus, buksyruotas, "Ogee", "Cove", "Dupont", laminuotas, nelaminuotas ir t. t.


1800(iki) x 600(iki) mm

1800(iki) x 700(iki) mm

2400(iki) x 1200(iki) mm

2800 (iki) x 1500 (iki) mm ir t. t.


305 x 305 mm

400 x 400 mm

457 x 457 mm

600 x 600 mm

Dydis gali būti pritaikytas
Storis 10/15/18/20/20/25/30 mm ir t. t.
Naudojimas Grindų arba sienų, Vidaus / lauko apdaila, Stalviršiai, Tuštybės stalviršiai
Pakavimas Medinė dėžė, tinkama plaukioti jūroje


What Surface Flished of Marble Tiles Are Perfect For Interior  Floor

Polished Marble: The most popular option for marble flooring comes with a high-gloss appearance, achieved by grinding the surface with a stone-polishing machine. Polishing brings out the veining in the marble and gives the floor a radiant luxurious look. With the right maintenance (see below), polished marble will retain a reflective finish for many years.

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