Profesionalus akmens pjaustymo pagal dydį plytelių ir stalviršių fabrikas

Balto akmens kristalas


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Balto akmens kristalas

Baltasis akmeninis kristalas - tai kvarcito atmaina, kurioje vyrauja balta spalva. Veikiant dideliam karščiui ir slėgiui, kvarco turtingas smiltainis persikristalizuoja į kvarcitą - metamorfinę uolieną. Šio proceso metu kvarco grūdeliai smiltainyje susilieja ir taip susidaro kvarcitas - tvirtesnė ir ilgaamžiškesnė uoliena.

Baltojo akmens kristalai dažnai būna nepriekaištingai balti, tačiau kartais jų atspalviai varijuoja nuo grynai baltos iki beveik baltos ar šviesiai pilkos spalvos. Dėl didelio kvarco kiekio (paprastai daugiau nei 90%) kvarcitas yra gerai žinomas dėl to, kad pasižymi dideliu prieraišumu kristalų savybėms ir energijai.

Granito elementas: Baltas akmuo kristalas 
Granito spalva: baltas kristalas, baltas kvarcitas kristalas 
Granito dydis: 300x600, 600x600, 600x150, 457x457, 800x800 mm
Storis: 1,8 cm, 2 cm, 3 cm ir t. t.
Paviršius: Poliruotas, šlifuotas, padengtas oda
MOQ: 300 SQM
Žaliojo granito gamykla: ESTA STONE


White Stone Crystal for Tile Floor Home Hotel Project

Using white stone crystal for a tile floor in a home or hotel project can be an excellent choice, as it offers both aesthetic appeal and durability.


White stone crystal tiles may provide any area a posh and refined appearance. The floor’s inherent white coloring, with its minor variations and veining patterns, gives it depth and visual appeal. It can work well with both traditional and contemporary interior design aesthetics.


Due of its well-known hardness and endurance, quartzite is a good material for high-traffic areas like floors. It is heat, stain, and scratch resistant. White quartzite crystal tiles are appropriate for use in hotels and other commercial environments because they can tolerate high foot traffic.

Techninė priežiūra:

When compared to other natural stone materials, white stone crystal requires less upkeep. Daily cleaning should only require routine moist mopping and sweeping. To keep the tiles safe from stains and moisture intrusion, it is advised to seal them with a suitable sealer.

Atsparumas slydimui:

Quartzite can offer good slip resistance, depending on the texture and finish of the tiles. For better traction and reduced slippage, especially in damp areas, opt for a rough or honed finish when choosing white stone crystal  tiles for a floor project.


White stone crystal tiles need to be professionally installed, just like any other genuine stone. Compared to other stones, quartzite might be more difficult to cut and shape because of its hardness. To guarantee a correct and aesthetically pleasing installation, it is advised to hire skilled installers who are accustomed to working with quartzite.

YouTube vaizdo įrašas

Dimension of White Stone Crystal 


Produkto pavadinimas   White Stone Crystal Polished Surface Kitchen Bathroom Home Hotel Project




Įprasti dydžiai







Plokštės  Dydis

1800(iki) x 600(iki) mm

2400(iki) x 1200(iki) mm

2800 (iki) x 1500 (iki) mm ir t. t.


15 mm, 18 mm, 20 mm, 25 mm, 30 mm ir t. t.





305 x 305 mm arba 12" x 12"

400 x 400 mm arba 16" x 16"

457 x 457 mm arba 18" x 18"

600 x 600 mm arba 24 x 24" ir t. t.


10 mm, 12 mm, 15 mm, 18 mm, 20 mm, 25 mm ir t. t.




 96″ x 26″, 76″ x 36″, 98 "x26″, 108″ x 26″
Thk  3/4″, 3/8″, 1/2"


Tuštybės stalviršiai


Dydis 25″x22″, 31″x22″, 37 "x22″, 49″x22″, 60″x22"
Thk  3/4″, 3/8″, 1/2"

 Grindinio klojimas


100X50, 100X100, 100×200, 200X200, 400X400 mm ir t. t.


20 mm, 30 mm, 40 mm, 50 mm, 60 mm, 80 mm, 100 mm, 120 mm

Kelkraščiai Dydis


Medžiaga Quartzite Crystal
Spalva Balta
Paviršiaus apdaila

 Poliruotas, šlifuotas, Antikvarinis, plaunamas rūgštimi, atsparus vandeniui, degintas ir t. t.

Storio tolerancija

  ±1 mm Kaina EXW, FOB, CNF, derybos


  Viduje ir lauke  Uostas Siameno uostas


Application of White Stone Crystal    

White Stone Crystal can be applied in various ways to enhance the aesthetics and functionality of different spaces.

Countertops and Vanity Tops:

Because of its natural beauty and longevity, white stone crystal is a popular material choice for countertops and vanity tops. It gives bathrooms, kitchens, and other spaces where countertops are necessary a sleek and elegant appearance. They provide a beautiful and durable surface that protects the walls from moisture, stains, and splatters while adding an elegant touch to the overall design. 


White stone crystal slabs or tiles work well as flooring, especially in areas with a lot of foot traffic. It is appropriate for both residential and commercial uses due to its hardness and wear resistance.  The natural white color complements a wide range of design styles and provides a timeless look. 

Sienų dangos:

You can cover a full wall surface or use white stone crystal to create beautiful accent walls. It enhances both indoor and outdoor areas with texture and visual appeal.


In bathrooms and kitchens, white stone crystal slabs or tiles make excellent backsplashes. Natural white has a timeless appearance and goes well with many different design motifs.

Židinių apvadai:

Beautiful fireplace surrounds made of white stone crystal can accentuate the fireplace and give the room a sense of refinement and luxury.

Naudojimas lauke:

Patio flooring, pool surrounds, and outdoor kitchen counters are just a few outdoor uses for white stone crystal. It can tolerate being outside due to its resilience.

Professional White Stone Crystal Tiles | Slabs | Countertops Factory In China


ESTA STONE Juodojo granito gamykla

Proper maintenance is essential to preserve the beauty and longevity of White Stone Crystal.


White stone crystal should be sealed to prevent stains and moisture intrusion, even though quartzite is a naturally hard stone. Use a premium stone sealer designed especially for quartzite, following the manufacturer’s recommendations. As advised by your stone specialist or the sealer manufacturer, repeat the sealing procedure on a regular basis.


To stop spills and stains from seeping into the surface, clean them up right away. Use a soft, non-acidic liquid dish soap mixed with warm water, or use a light, pH-neutral stone cleanser. Cleaners that are acidic or abrasive should be avoided since they may harm the stone. Using a soft cloth or sponge, gently wipe the surface, then give it a good rinse with clean water. To avoid water stains, use a gentle cloth to pat dry the surface.

Avoid Harsh Chemicals:

Acidic cleansers, bleach, and ammonia are examples of strong cleaning agents that should be avoided since they can etch or discolor white quartzite crystal. Additionally, keep in mind not to use brushes or abrasive cleaning pads on stone surfaces.


To keep the surface safe from hot pans, dishes, and acidic liquids like wine or citrus juices that could scratch or stain the stone, use placemats, coasters, and trivets. Under heavy things, place felt or protecting pads to avoid dents and scratches.

Regular Maintenance:

Regularly sweep or dust the surface to remove loose dirt and debris. This helps prevent scratches when the particles are walked or dragged across the surface. For floors, use non-abrasive mats or rugs at entryways to trap dirt and prevent it from being tracked onto the quartzite surface.

Profesionali priežiūra:

Periodically, consider hiring a professional stone maintenance specialist for deep cleaning and resealing of white quartzite crystal. They have the expertise and equipment to effectively remove stubborn stains, restore the stone’s shine, and ensure proper maintenance.

Brazilijos "Via Lactea" juodo granito grindų ir sienų plytelių tiekėjas-Esta Stone

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