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Granitowe płytki podłogowe


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Granitowe płytki podłogowe
Najbardziej korzystną cechą naturalnego granitu jest jego szykowny i wyrafinowany wygląd. Może on poprawić wygląd całego domu lub biura.


Polished Pink G635 Granite Floor Tiles

Najbardziej korzystną cechą naturalnego granitu jest jego szykowny i wyrafinowany wygląd. Może on poprawić wygląd całego domu lub biura.

Granite tiles are an extremely popular flooring choice due to its overall resiliency, strength, and durability. Its natural strength acid, stain, and scratch resistant property makes it the builder’s favorite. It is no more limited to commercial spaces.

Because of its strength and durability, granite is the stone of choice for designers planning commercial spaces that will see heavy use. High-traffic floors and commercial kitchens, for instance, practically insist on granite.

G635 Granite is a kind of pink granite quarried in China. This stone is especially good for Countertops, monuments, mosaic, exterior – interior wall and floor applications, fountains, pool and and other design projects.

Granite is not very expensive. Nowadays, most of the floors in luxury houses are covered with granite, fascinated by its luxurious surface and elegant appearance. Natural granite can be used for flooring, walls and countertops.


Granite G635 Polished Tiles

Wykończenie powierzchni


Belows are common sizes, customer"s design are available

Popularne rozmiary,



1800(up) x 600(up)mm
1800(up) x 700(up)mm
2400(up) x 1200(up)mm
2800 (do) x 1500 (do) mm itp.


15 mm, 18 mm, 20 mm, 25 mm, 30 mm itd.



305 x 305 mm lub 12" x 12"
400 x 400 mm lub 16" x 16"
457 x 457 mm lub 18" x 18"
600 x 600 mm lub 24" x 24" itd.


10mm,12mm,15mm,18mm,20mm,2.5mm,30mm, etc



96" x 26", 76 "x36", 98 "x26", 108" x 26"


3/4", 3/8", 1/2"

Blaty toaletowe


25 "x22", 31 "x22", 37 "x22", 49 "x22", 60 "x22"


3/4", 3/8", 1/2"

Styl krawędzi

bull nose, ogee, bevel, eased, polish itp.


1) Płytki i przycięte na wymiar w fumigowanych drewnianych skrzyniach. wewnątrz pokryte spienionym tworzywem sztucznym (polistyren).
2) Slab in fumigated wooden bundle.


Do dekoracji i konstrukcji wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych.
dostępne są panele ścienne, płytki podłogowe, schody, kostka brukowa, okładziny ścienne, blaty, toaletki.


1) Stopień polerowania 80°-100°.
2) Tolerancja grubości: -/+0,5 mm dla blatów i dużych płyt; -/+1 mm dla płytek
3) Tolerancja płaskości powierzchni: +/-0,3 mm
4) Tolerancja przekątnej: +/-1 mm.


Q1: What is the difference between Quartz, Granite, and Marble?

A: Granite, Marble, and Quartz are all appealing for countertops in a kitchen or bathroom, all three come in various colors and patterns and are a natural alternative to laminate, wood or concert.

Granite is the most common choice for kitchen and bathroom countertops because of its natural appeal and its resistance to stains, cracks, and scratches. Both marble and granite are naturally made stones and although marble has the most unique look and natural imitation it can be less forgiving when it comes to stains and scratches. Marble is more porous than both granite and quartz making it more susceptible to staining especially with highly acidic liquids and cleaners.

Unlike marble & granite, quartz countertops are not entirely natural, they are manufactured stone about ninety-two percent quartz and eight percent resin. By doing this it gives the manufacture a wider variety of color options and designs. Quartz is also the least porous of the three stones making it the most resistant to stains and scratches and requiring the least about of care and upkeep.

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