Fábrica profissional de ladrilhos e bancadas de pedra cortada sob medida

Quartzito Branco Calacatta


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Quartzito Branco Calacatta
Material: Quartzito Calacatta ou Quartzito Super Branco
Tamanho: 12 "x12", 16 "x16", 18 "x18" etc.
Espessura: 10,20,30 mm
Superfície: Polida
MOQ: 100 SQM


Super White Quartzite Stone Floor Tiles 

Calacatta White Quartzite is a crosscut quartzite from Brazil. The vein cut version is called Macaubus White. These white quartzites resemble the Italian Calacatta marbles in appearance, but they are much more durable. 

Calacatta White Quartzite Tile is a crosscut quartzite from Brazil. The vein cut version is called Macaubus White. These super white quartzites resemble the Italian Calacatta marbles in appearance, but they are much more durable and pure grey. They can be used for kitchen countertops without having the scratching and etching issues experienced with marble.  The vein cut version is called Macaubus White. These Super white quartzite stone resemble the Italian Calacatta marbles in appearance, but they are much more durable.



Super White Quartzite or Calacatta Quartzite






Ladrilho: 12 "x12", 16 "x16", 18 "x18" etc.

Laje: 140up x 240up x2cm /3cm etc.

Bancada: 96 "x25,5" e 30 "x76" etc.

Tampo da penteadeira: 22 "x31", 22 "x37", 22 "x49" (outras dimensões estão disponíveis)

Produtos disponíveis

Azulejo, Laje, Bancada, Vantity, Top, Kerbstone, Pavimentação, Fachada de parede

Acabamento de superfície

Polido, amaciado, flamejado, bujardado, cinzelado, abacaxi, divisão natural, tombado, jato de areia, etc.


Bancadas, pisos, revestimento de paredes, decoração de edifícios.

Pacotes de placas e ladrilhos de granito


Although typical application of marble is for the bathroom vanity tops, Jacuzzi tops, and fireplaces, it is possible to use it in the kitchen. However, due to the fact that it is easy to scratch and is affected by acidic substances, such as vinegar, ketchup, etc, we don’t usually recommend it. Moreover, the high gloss of the marble countertop can be partially lost as many chemicals etch its surface. Granite in turn is considered the second hardest stone, its polish is not subject to etching by household acids, or scratching by knives and pots and pans under normal use. It is also not affected by typical kitchen heat such as hot pans.

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