Fábrica profissional de ladrilhos e bancadas de pedra cortada sob medida

culture stone


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Pedra cultivada branca

Pedra cultivada branca

 “cultured stone white” typically refers to a cultured stone product that imitates the look of white natural stone, such as white marble, white quartz or white limestone.

cultured stone white can be used in a variety of applications, like walls, fireplace surrounds, exterior and interior wall cladding, and other ornamental components. It offers a more affordable substitute for real stone without sacrificing its visual charm.

The adaptability and simplicity of installation of cultured stone are two of its benefits. It is usually easier to handle and install because it is thinner and lighter than natural stone. Additionally, cultured stone has more constant color and pattern, which makes the final installation appear more unified.

Stone Products: cultured stone white 

Cores das pedras: white; white quartz culture stone.

Fábrica de ladrilhos de mármore natural: Esta Stone

Aplicação: A Esta Stone oferece mais de 100 pedras de mármore natural para projetos de pisos e paredes internas, como hotéis, prédios de escritórios, shopping centers, spas e restaurantes.

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Arenito amarelo

Arenito amarelo

Yellow sandstone is a type of sedimentary rock known for its striking yellow coloration. Sand-sized granules accumulate and condense over extended periods of time to produce it.Usually consisting of minerals like feldspar and quartz, the sand grains can also contain other types of minerals. 

The aesthetic attractiveness and adaptability of yellow sandstone make it highly valued for a variety of uses. It is a well-liked option for both interior and outdoor design projects because of its inherent beauty and toughness.
In addition, yellow sandstone is used in landscaping and building. It is present in garden walls, paving, flooring, building facades, and other exterior elements. Because of its resilience to weathering and erosion, it is a dependable material for both commercial and residential constructions. 

Stone Products: Yellow Sandstone

Marble Colors:Yellow marble culture stone

Fábrica de ladrilhos de mármore natural: Esta Stone

Aplicação: A Esta Stone oferece mais de 100 pedras de mármore natural para projetos de pisos e paredes internas, como hotéis, prédios de escritórios, shopping centers, spas e restaurantes.

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