Piatră profesională de piatră tăiată la dimensiuni de gresie și blaturi de fabrică

Marmură neagră din lemn



Marmură neagră din lemn

Known by several names such as "wood grain black marble" or "black wood marble," black wooden marble is a distinctive and stunning natural stone. It has a background that is a deep black tone combined with unique veining patterns that mimic the grain of several types of wood.

De obicei compusă din nuanțe mai deschise sau contrastante, cum ar fi alb, bej sau gri, filigranul din marmura neagră din lemn produce un aspect minunat și organic. Piatra are un aspect seducător și opulent datorită amestecului dintre fundalul întunecat și modelele care seamănă cu lemnul.

Marmură Culori: Negru din lemn de marmură din lemn de marmură Slab Stone

Podele și plăci de perete Dimensiune: 12′ X 12″, 12′ X 24″, 24′ X 24″etc
Grosime: 10, 18, 20, 30mm
Suprafața: Lustruit, honuit
MOQ: 300 SQM

Fabrica de gresie din marmură naturală: Esta Stone

Cerere: Esta Stone oferă peste 100 de pietre de marmură naturală pentru proiecte de pardoseală și pereți interiori, cum ar fi hoteluri, clădiri de birouri, mall-uri, spa-uri și restaurante.


An Unique of Black Wooden Marble Slabs

Black wooden marble is frequently utilized to create dramatic and attractive places in architecture and interior design. It is frequently utilized for wall cladding, countertops, flooring, and other design aspects. Any area can benefit from the dramatic contrast that creates between the dark background and the wood-like veining, which can provide depth and visual intrigue.

Black hardwood marble is a naturally occurring stone that was developed over millions of years under extreme heat and pressure, just like other forms of marble. For a variety of design tasks, its strength, distinctive patterns, and opulent look make it a highly sought-after material.

Striking Visual Contrast:

A striking visual contrast that draws the eye right away is produced by the combination of a deep black background and veining resembling wood. The delicate wood-like patterns offer a hint of natural warmth and texture, while the dark hue of the marble creates a dramatic and classy appearance.

Variable Patterns:

The veining of black wooden marble slabs is so diverse that it mimics the appearance of many wood grains. The designs give a wide range of visual alternatives for different design preferences, ranging from bold and emphatic to subtle and delicate.

Elegant Style:

Black hardwood marble slabs have an elegant, refined appearance. Their organic wood-like patterns and deep black color combine to give a timeless and beautiful look that is perfect for high-end and sophisticated interior projects.

Versatility in Design:

Black hardwood marble slabs’ distinctive appearance makes them suitable for a wide range of design applications. They can be the center of attention in any room when utilized as statement pieces for feature walls, backsplashes, and countertops. They can also be utilized as accent pieces or integrated into flooring to give a space a sense of refinement and organic beauty.

Natural and Sturdy Material:

Black hardwood marble is a naturally occurring stone that has been developed over millions of years, just like other marble variations. Because of its natural strength, resilience, and lifespan, it is appropriate for high-traffic areas and places where a durable surface is needed.

YouTube video

Dimensions of Black Wooden Marble Slabs 

The Unique of Black Wooden Marble Slabs
Planșeu: 2800 x 1800mm, 2800 x 1600mm, 2600 x 1600mm, 2500 x 1500mm, 2400 x 1400mm, 2400 x 1200mm.
Țiglă: 305 x 305mm, 305 x 610mm, 610 x 610mm, etc.
Tăiat la dimensiune: 300 x 300mm, 300 x 600mm, 600 x 600mm, etc.
Alte dimensiuni conform cererii personalizate.
Lustruit, lustruit, lustruit, flambat, WaterJet, lustruit.
Detaliile pachetului
1) Placă: plastic în interior + pachet de lemn marin puternic în exterior
2) Țiglă: spumă în interior + lăzi de lemn solide, cu curele întărite în exterior.
3) Blat: spumă în interior + lăzi de lemn solide de mare cu curele întărite în exterior
Asigurarea calității: În timpul întregului proces de producție, de la alegerea materialului, la fabricarea și ambalare, oamenii noștri de asigurare a calității vor controla strict fiecare proces pentru a asigura standardele de calitate și livrarea punctuală.
Timp de livrare: 7 zile pe container.

Comanda min: 300 SQM
Preț Articol: FOB Xiamen, China. sau putem expedia la cererea clientului.
Plata: 30% Depozit înainte de producție, 70% Sold înainte de expediere.

 Application of Black Wooden Marble Slabs

Applications of Black Wooden Marble Slab:

There are several applications for black wooden marble in both external and interior design.


Beautiful black wooden marble slabs give a sense of sophistication and elegance to kitchens, baths, and other spaces. The distinctive veining patterns produce an eye-catching surface that can serve as the room’s main focal point.


In both home and business settings, black wooden marble is frequently used for flooring. It gives living rooms, dining rooms, entryways, and other spaces a feeling of elegance and character. It’s a useful and fashionable option because the dark backdrop color helps to conceal wear and filth.

Placarea pereților:

Adding black wooden marble slabs to a room’s walls might improve its overall appearance or produce a dramatic accent wall. The natural veining patterns and rich color provide texture and depth, turning basic walls into eye-catching focal areas.

Șemineu Surrounds: 

Black hardwood marble is a common material option for fireplace surrounds. It offers a chic and classic appearance that accentuates the coziness and warmth of a fire. A striking visual impression is produced by the contrast between the black background and the veining that resembles wood.

Feature Walls:

Adding drama and intrigue to any space may be achieved by creating feature walls with black wooden marble slabs. A black wooden marble feature wall creates an opulent focal point and sparks conversation in both home and business settings.

Accente decorative:

Black wooden marble is a great material for a variety of ornamental elements, including tabletops, bookcases, and bathroom vanity tops. These more compact uses enable the distinct elegance of black hardwood marble to be integrated into various sections of a room.


Natural Stone Black Wooden Marble Slabs 


Parchet de marmură din lemn natural și perete gresie Fabrica de gresie | esta Stone

Maintenance And Care Tips For The Black Wooden Marble Slabs

Curățare regulată:

Marble surfaces should be routinely dusted and cleaned with a gentle, non-abrasive cloth or mop. This aids in clearing away any loose dirt or debris that can scratch the surface.

Mild Cleansers: 
If something spills, clean it up right away to avoid leaving stains on the marble surface. If acidic materials like as wine, vinegar, or citrus juices are left on the marble for a long time, they might etch or stain it.


Use a premium stone sealer, as advised by the manufacturer and contingent on the type of black wooden marble. Marble that has been sealed is more resistant against stains and moisture damage. For application and reapplication, according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Avoid Heat and Chemicals: 

Steer clear of Heat and Chemicals: Keep hot pots and pans and other direct heat sources away from the marble surface. Place hot objects on trivets or heat-resistant mats. Furthermore, keep the marble away from strong chemicals that could damage or discolor it, like bleach and ammonia-based cleansers.

Proper care and maintenance can significantly extend the life and beauty of your black wooden marble slabs.

Furnizor de pardoseli din marmură de lemn | Esta Stone

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