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Кленово-красный гранит


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Кленово-красный гранит

Представляем вашему вниманию модель Maple Red Granite:

Кленово-красный гранит - потрясающий природный камень, известный своей насыщенной и яркой окраской. Он широко используется для изготовления различных изделий - от столешниц до напольных покрытий и облицовки стен. Кленово-красный гранит имеет насыщенный красный фон с причудливыми узорами и прожилками черного, серого и иногда белого цветов. Сочетание этих цветов создает завораживающий и визуально привлекательный вид. Узоры могут варьироваться от мелких вкраплений до смелых волн, что придает каждой плите уникальный и неповторимый вид. 

Материал: кленово-красный гранит 

Гранит: Плиты напольные и настенные из красного гранита "Клен
Цвет гранита: красный кленовый гранит, красный кленовый гранит, G562Granite 
Размер гранита: 300x600, 600x600, 600x150, 457x457, 800x800 мм
Толщина: 1,8 см, 2 см, 3 см и т.д.
Поверхность: Полированная, хонингованная, пламенная, лессированная
MOQ: 300 КВ. М
Фабрика черного гранита: ESTA STONE
Применение: Гранит Pearl Black подходит для изготовления столешниц для кухни и ванной комнаты, фасадов внутренних и наружных стен.

Применение: Компания Esta Stone предлагает 50+ красных гранитных камней для проектов гостиниц, вилл, квартир, офисных зданий, больниц, школ, торговых центров, спортивных сооружений, мест отдыха, супермаркетов, складов, мастерских, парков, ферм, дворов, кухонь и ванных комнат.


Maple Red Granite Slab for Countertops and Vanity Tops

Maple Red Granite is indeed a popular choice for countertops and vanity tops due to its aesthetic appeal and durability. Here are some specific advantages of using Maple Red Granite slabs for countertops and vanity tops:

Stunning Appearance:

Maple Red Granite slabs exhibit a beautiful combination of deep red tones and black minerals, creating a luxurious and eye-catching look. The intricate patterns and veining add depth and visual interest to your countertops or vanity tops, making them a focal point in your space.


Granite slabs are available in various sizes, thicknesses, and finishes, allowing for customization to fit your specific countertop or vanity top dimensions. You can choose from polished, honed, or brushed finishes to achieve the desired look and feel for your space.


Granite is renowned for its durability, and Maple Red Granite is no exception. It is highly resistant to scratches, chips, and cracks, ensuring that your countertops or vanity tops can withstand the rigors of daily use. It is also heat-resistant, providing a safe surface for hot items without damage.

Stain Resistance:

When properly sealed, Maple Red Granite is resistant to staining, making it an excellent choice for kitchen countertops where spills and food preparation are common. Regular sealing helps protect the stone and maintain its pristine appearance.

Easy Maintenance:

Maple Red Granite countertops and vanity tops are relatively easy to maintain. Routine cleaning with mild soap and water is usually sufficient to keep them clean and looking their best. Periodic resealing, as recommended by the manufacturer, will help preserve their beauty and protect against stains.

Maple Red Granite is commonly used for kitchen countertops, bathroom vanities, backsplashes, flooring, and wall cladding. Its durability and resistance to heat make it a suitable choice for kitchen surfaces where hot cookware is frequently placed. It can also be used for outdoor applications such as paving, pool surrounds, and landscape features, enhancing the visual appeal of outdoor spaces.

YouTube видео

Dimension of Maple Red Granite Stone 


Название продукта  Maple Red Granite Stone Floor and Wall Tiles




Общие размеры







Плита  Размер

1800(до) x 600(до) мм

2400(вверх) x 1200(вверх) мм

2800(до) x 1500(до) мм и т.д.


15 мм, 18 мм, 20 мм, 25 мм, 30 мм и т.д.





305 x 305 мм или 12" x 12"

400 x 400 мм или 16" x 16"

457 x 457 мм или 18" x 18"

600 x 600 мм или 24" x 24" и т.д.


10 мм, 12 мм, 15 мм, 18 мм, 20 мм, 25 мм и т.д.




 96″ x 26″, 76″x36″, 98″ x26″, 108″ x 26″
Thk  3/4″, 3/8″, 1/2"


Столешницы для ванных комнат


Размер 25″x22″, 31″x22″, 37″x22″, 49″x22″, 60″x22″
Thk  3/4″, 3/8″, 1/2"



100X50, 100X100, 100×200, 200X200, 400X400 мм и т.д.


20 мм, 30 мм, 40 мм, 50 мм, 60 мм, 80 мм, 100 мм, 120 мм

Бордюр Размер


Материал  Гранит
Цвет   Красный
Отделка поверхности

 Полировка, шлифовка, Антикварные, кислотно-мыльные, водоотталкивающие, фламинированные и др.

Допуск по толщине

  ±1 мм Цена EXW, FOB, CNF, переговоры


  Внутренние и наружные  Порт Порт Сямынь


The Application of Maple Red Granite Stone

Maple Red Granite can be applied in various ways due to its versatility and aesthetic appeal. Here are some common applications of Maple Red Granite:


Maple Red Granite is a popular choice for kitchen countertops due to its durability and resistance to heat and scratches. It adds a touch of elegance and warmth to the kitchen while providing a functional and durable surface for food preparation.

Vanity Tops:

Maple Red Granite can be used for bathroom vanity tops, adding a luxurious and sophisticated touch to the space. Its durability and resistance to moisture make it suitable for withstanding the demands of daily bathroom use.

Напольное покрытие:

Maple Red Granite can be used as flooring material, particularly in areas that require a durable and visually striking surface. It can be installed in residential or commercial spaces, adding a touch of elegance and character to the floor.

Облицовка стен:

Maple Red Granite can be used to create accent walls or as cladding for entire walls, adding texture and visual interest to the space. Whether used in living rooms, hallways, or commercial spaces, it can create a dramatic focal point and enhance the overall aesthetics.

Окружение камина:

Due to its heat resistance, Maple Red Granite is commonly used as a material for fireplace surrounds. It provides a beautiful and durable surface that can withstand high temperatures and adds a touch of elegance to the fireplace area.

Применение на открытом воздухе:

Maple Red Granite can also be used for outdoor applications such as patio flooring, outdoor kitchen countertops, or decorative elements. Its durability and resistance to weathering make it suitable for withstanding outdoor elements.

It’s important to work with experienced professionals for the proper installation of Maple Red Granite in each application to ensure its longevity and maximize its aesthetic appeal.

Professional Maple Red Granite Stone Tiles | Slabs | Countertops Factory In China



Proper maintenance of Maple Red Granite is essential to preserve its beauty and ensure its longevity. Here are some maintenance tips for Maple Red Granite:

Ежедневная уборка:

Wipe down the surface of the Maple Red Granite with a soft cloth or sponge and warm water. You can use a mild dish soap or granite cleaner for tougher stains. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or scouring pads as they can scratch the surface of the stone.

Avoid Impact and Pressure:

While Maple Red Granite is durable, it is still susceptible to chipping or cracking under heavy impact or pressure. Avoid dropping heavy objects onto the surface and use caution when moving or placing heavy items on the countertops.

Избегайте агрессивных химических веществ:

Avoid using acidic or abrasive cleaners, as well as cleaners containing bleach, ammonia, or vinegar. These can damage the sealant and the granite surface. Stick to mild, pH-neutral cleaners specifically formulated for granite.

Регулярная проверка:

Periodically inspect your Maple Red Granite countertops for any signs of damage, such as cracks, chips, or loose sealant. If you notice any issues, consult a professional stone restoration specialist to assess and repair the damage.

By following these maintenance practices, you can help ensure that your Maple Red Granite maintains its beauty and durability for years to come.

Плитка для пола и стен из бразильского гранита Via Lactea Black поставщик-Esta Stone

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