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Granit rose


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Granit rose

Le granit rose est un type de granit connu pour sa belle coloration rose et ses motifs de veines distinctifs. Il s'agit d'une pierre naturelle qui est extraite dans plusieurs pays, tels que la Chine, le Brésil et l'Inde.

En raison de sa durabilité et de son attrait esthétique, le granit rose est très demandé et est fréquemment utilisé pour des applications intérieures et extérieures. Outre les revêtements muraux, les comptoirs, les sols et d'autres utilisations architecturales et décoratives, il est fréquemment utilisé.

Pink Rose Granite's distinctive blend of pink hues, which range from pale pink to deep rose tones, is one of its main features. Intricate veining and patterns in gray, white, and black hues are frequently seen in the stone, which gives the whole thing more depth and visual appeal.

Article en granit : Carreaux de sol et de mur en granit rose rose pour plan de travail
Couleur du granit : Granit rose rose ; Granit G635 ; Granit rose de Chine
Taille du granit : 300x600, 600x600, 600x150, 457x457, 800x800 mm
Épaisseur : 1,8 cm, 2 cm, 3 cm, etc.
Surface : Polie, adoucie, cuirée
MOQ : 300 SQM
Usine de granit vert : ESTA STONE


Pink Rose Granite Worktop Floor and Wall Tiles 

Pink rose granite usually has a variety of pink tones, ranging from pale pink to intense rose tones. With sporadic fluctuations in tone and intensity, the color is frequently homogeneous and continuous throughout the slab. Each item gains visual intrigue and individuality from the subtle and delicate to the dramatic and obvious veining patterns in the stone.
Pink Rose Granite is renowned for its strength and durability, much like other granites. This natural stone is strong and solid, impervious to heat, stains, and scratches. This attribute renders it appropriate for an extensive array of uses, encompassing countertops, flooring, walls, and additional surfaces necessitating resilience and longevity.

Polyvalence : 

Because of the variances in color and pattern, pink rose granite is a material that may be used in a variety of design contexts. Its pink hues can give both traditional and modern settings a sense of coziness and elegance. Pink Rose Granite may produce a striking visual impression whether it is utilized as the main feature or as a component of a more elaborate design plan.

Natural and Distinctive:

Due to the fact that Pink Rose Granite is a naturally occurring stone, every slab is different and has unique patterns and variances. This implies that the installation of your Pink Rose Granite will be unique and unmatched by others. Natural stone has intrinsic beauty and uniqueness that can add to the overall attractiveness and value of your space.

Entretien facile :

Maintaining Pink Rose Granite is not that difficult. For daily care, a moderate soap and water washing once a week is usually enough. Furthermore, regular sealing can help keep the stone clean and shiny while preventing stains. Pink Rose Granite may maintain its lovely and vivid appearance for many years with the right care.

YouTube vidéo

Dimension de la Pink Rose Granit


Nom du produit   Pink Rose Granite Polished Surface Floor and Wall Tiles




Tailles courantes







Dalle  Taille

1800(up) x 600(up)mm

2400(up) x 1200(up)mm

2800(up) x 1500(up)mm etc.

Merci d'avance

15 mm, 18 mm, 20 mm, 25 mm, 30 mm, etc.





305 x 305mm ou 12" x 12"

400 x 400mm ou 16" x 16"

457 x 457mm ou 18" x 18".

600 x 600 mm ou 24" x 24", etc.

Merci d'avance

10mm, 12mm, 15mm, 18mm, 20mm, 25mm, etc.




 96″ x 26″, 76″x36″, 98 "x26″, 108″ x 26″
Merci d'avance  3/4″, 3/8″, 1/2"


Dessus de lavabo


Taille 25″x22″, 31″x22″, 37 "x22″, 49″x22″, 60″ x22".
Merci d'avance  3/4″, 3/8″, 1/2"



100X50, 100X100, 100×200, 200X200, 400X400mm, etc.

Merci d'avance

20mm, 30mm, 40mm, 50mm, 60mm, 80mm, 100mm, 120mm

Nid d'abeille Taille


Matériau  Granit
Couleur   Rose
Finition de la surface

 Poli, adouci, antique, lavé à l'acide, hydrofuge, flammé, etc.

Tolérance d'épaisseur

  ±1mm Prix EXW, FOB, CNF, Négociation


  Intérieur et extérieur  Port Port de Xiamen


Application of Polished Pink Rose Granite Stone

Polished Pink Rose Granite can be used in a variety of applications to add a touch of elegance and beauty to your space. 

Kitchen Countertops: :

Polished Pink Rose Granite’s strength and visual attractiveness make it a popular option for kitchen countertops. The natural color variations and veining patterns are enhanced by the glossy finish, producing an opulent and striking surface. Pink Rose Granite worktops can create a dramatic impression and improve the appearance of your kitchen.

Vanités de salle de bains :

A polished pink rose granite bathroom vanity can become the center of attention. Because of its polished surface, which reflects light and gives a glossy shine, the effect is visually striking. Your bathroom vanity can become a distinctive and sophisticated focal point in the area thanks to the granite’s delicate veining and pink tones.

Revêtement de sol :

Using polished Pink Rose Granite as wall cladding can give an area a striking and elegant appearance. Whether granite is utilized for feature walls, entryways, or living rooms, its polished surface accentuates its inherent beauty and adds a touch of elegance to the area. To add texture and visual appeal, it can be placed as accent strips or in big panels.

Fireplace Surrounds :

For a striking effect, polished pink rose granite can be utilized for flooring. The polished finish brings out the colors and patterns in the granite in addition to adding gloss. For areas that need to be durable, such hallways, foyers, or commercial spaces, pink rose granite flooring can be a great option while still adding an opulent touch.

Entourage de cheminée :

Le granit noir d'Angola est une excellente option pour les entourages de cheminée en raison de sa riche couleur noire et de sa qualité polie. Il confère à l'espace un air d'élégance et crée un point focal visuellement saisissant.

Objets décoratifs : 

Sculptures, plateaux de table, vases et autres pièces uniques ne sont que quelques exemples des belles choses que l'on peut réaliser avec le granit noir d'Angola poli. Ces objets se distinguent dans n'importe quelle situation grâce à leur texture brillante, qui accentue leur beauté.

Professionnel Pink Rose Granite Stone Carreaux | Dalles | Comptoirs Fabrique en Chine



Maintaining Pink Rose Granite is relatively straightforward, and with proper care, you can keep it looking beautiful for years to come. 

Nettoyage régulier :

Pink Rose Granite should be frequently cleaned with a mild, pH-neutral detergent and a soft cloth or sponge. Steer clear of abrasive or harsh cleansers as they may harm the stone’s surface. Spills should be cleaned up quickly to avoid discoloration.

Avoid Acidic Substances:

Acidic elements like vinegar, citrus juices, and harsh chemicals can cause Pink Rose Granite to become sensitive. These materials should not be used on granite surfaces as they may etch or discolor the stone. Should any spills occur that are acidic, clean them up right away using water and a mild soap.

Entretien professionnel :

To deep clean, reseal, and polish the Pink Rose Granite, think about using a professional stone care specialist on a regular basis. They may offer the know-how and tools required to maintain the granite in top shape.

Avoid Impact and Pressure: 

Although pink rose granite is a strong stone, excessive force or pressure can still cause it to chip or break. Steer clear of dropping bulky items or exerting too much pressure on the surface. To avoid unintentional damage, exercise caution when moving heavy objects close to the granite.

Carreaux de sol et de mur en granit noir brésilien Via Lactea Fournisseur-Esta Stone

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