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Granit noir sésame


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Granit noir sésame

The rich black backdrop of Sesame Black Granite gives it a polished and sophisticated appearance. This granite's microscopic, reflecting mineral speckles, which can be golden or white in hue, are its distinctive feature. The stone's characteristic appearance is attributed to these speckles, which mimic stars in a night sky.
Le granit noir sésame peut être utilisé aussi bien à l'intérieur qu'à l'extérieur et est incroyablement durable. En raison de sa résistance à la chaleur, aux taches et aux rayures, c'est un matériau idéal pour les zones très fréquentées telles que les sols, les comptoirs de cuisine et les espaces commerciaux.

Article en granit : Granit noir sésame ; Pavé de granit noir sésame
Couleur du granit : granit noir sésame ; granit noir
Taille du granit : 300x600, 600x600, 600x150, 457x457, 800x800 mm
Épaisseur : 1,8 cm, 2 cm, 3 cm, etc.
Surface : Polie, adoucie, cuirée
MOQ : 300 SQM
Usine de granit vert : ESTA STONE


Sesame Black Granite Paving Stone

Sesame Black Granite Paving Stone is a type of natural stone commonly used for outdoor paving applications. It is also known as Black Galaxy Granite or Star Galaxy Granite.

Apparence :

Small, sparkling mineral speckles adorn the deep black backdrop of Sesame Black Granite Paving Stone. Although the hue of these speckles can vary, they usually appear white or golden. The striking and refined appearance is produced by the mix of the sparkling speckles and the black background.
Durabilité :

Granite in the shade of sesame is extremely resilient and ideal for outdoor use. It is a great option for paving stones because it is resistant to weathering, heat, and scratching. It’s resilient enough to endure a range of weather conditions and considerable foot traffic.

Résistance au glissement :

Even in damp conditions, walking is safer due to the excellent slide resistance provided by the rough surface of Sesame Black Granite Paving Stone. This attribute is especially vital for outdoor applications like pool decks and pathways where slip resistance is essential.

Polyvalence :

Driveways, patios, walks, garden pathways, and commercial spaces are just a few of the exterior possibilities for Sesame Black Granite Paving Stone. Any outdoor setting is elevated by its striking and sophisticated appearance.

Entretien :

The upkeep of Sesame Black Granite Paving Stone is not very high. Usually enough to maintain in good shape is a routine wash with water and a mild soap. The stone’s stain resistance can be improved and its look preserved with regular sealing. It is advised to adhere to the precise maintenance instructions supplied by the installation or manufacturer.

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Dimension of Sesame Black Granite Paving Stone


Nom du produit   Sesame Black Granite Polished Surface Floor and Paving Stone




Tailles courantes







Dalle  Taille

1800(up) x 600(up)mm

2400(up) x 1200(up)mm

2800(up) x 1500(up)mm etc.

Merci d'avance

15 mm, 18 mm, 20 mm, 25 mm, 30 mm, etc.





305 x 305mm ou 12" x 12"

400 x 400mm ou 16" x 16"

457 x 457mm ou 18" x 18".

600 x 600 mm ou 24" x 24", etc.

Merci d'avance

10mm, 12mm, 15mm, 18mm, 20mm, 25mm, etc.




 96″ x 26″, 76″x36″, 98 "x26″, 108″ x 26″
Merci d'avance  3/4″, 3/8″, 1/2"


Dessus de lavabo


Taille 25″x22″, 31″x22″, 37 "x22″, 49″x22″, 60″ x22".
Merci d'avance  3/4″, 3/8″, 1/2"



100X50, 100X100, 100×200, 200X200, 400X400mm, etc.

Merci d'avance

20mm, 30mm, 40mm, 50mm, 60mm, 80mm, 100mm, 120mm

Nid d'abeille Taille


Matériau  Granit
Couleur  Noir
Finition de la surface

 Poli, adouci, Antique, lavage à l'acide, hydrofuge, flammé, etc.

Tolérance d'épaisseur

  ±1mm Prix EXW, FOB, CNF, Négociation


  Intérieur et extérieur  Port Port de Xiamen


Application of Sesame Black Granite 

Sesame Black Granite, also known as Black Galaxy Granite or Star Galaxy Granite, is a versatile natural stone that can be used in various applications. 

Comptoirs :

Because of its stain resistance, durability, and eye-catching beauty, Sesame Black Granite is a popular option for kitchen countertops. It gives the kitchen area a hint of refinement and elegance.

Revêtement de sol :

Commercial and residential flooring can both be made with sesame black granite. It is appropriate for high-traffic areas including living rooms, corridors, and entryways due to its resilience to wear and tear.

Revêtement mural :

Sesame Black Granite is a great option for wall cladding in both indoor and exterior applications because of its distinctive and alluring appearance. It can be applied as a backdrop for fireplaces or to make feature or accent walls.

Dosserets :

In bathrooms and kitchens, Sesame Black Granite makes an excellent backsplash material. Lighter-colored cabinets or tiles look strikingly beautiful against its dark tone and glittery speckles.

Escaliers :

Sesame Black Granite is a great material for stairs, both indoor and outdoor. It is a safe and aesthetically pleasing option because to its resilience and non-slip qualities.

Monuments et mémoriaux :

Sesame Black Granite is frequently used for monuments, gravestones, and memorial plaques because of its strength and capacity to withstand fine engravings.

Pavage extérieur :

Patios, driveways, pool decks, and other outdoor paving projects can all benefit from the usage of Sesame Black Granite. It is perfect for these outdoor surfaces because of its resilience, resistance to weathering, and resistance to slippage.

Professional Sesame Black Granite Paving Stone | Tiles | Slabs | Countertops Factory In China



Maintance of Sesame Black Granite Paving Stone

There are several outdoor paving uses for Sesame Black Granite Paving Stone. It is frequently utilized for outdoor living areas such as pool decks, patios, garden paths, driveways, and pathways. Its deep hue and glittering specks give outdoor settings a sense of refinement and beauty. Maintaining Sesame Black Granite Paving Stone is relatively straightforward. 

Nettoyage régulier :

To remove loose leaves, dirt, and debris from the surface of the paving stones, sweep the area or use a leaf blower. Use a solution of water and mild soap or stone-specific cleaner for routine cleaning. Steer clear of harsh or abrasive cleaners as they may cause harm to the stone’s surface. When cleaning, carefully rinse with fresh water.

Détachage :

Wipe up spills right away to stop stains from seeping into the stone. Scrub the stained area gently with a soft brush or cloth and a light detergent or stone cleaner. Use water to thoroughly rinse. If the stain is really difficult to remove, you can apply a paste made of baking soda and water, let it set for a few hours, and then rinse it off.

Weed Control:

Keep an eye out for any weed development in the spaces between the pavers’ joints. To stop weeds from taking root and causing damage, get rid of them as soon as possible. You have two options: either remove the weeds by hand or use a weed killer that is suitable for granite as long as you follow the directions on the bottle.

Protection from Physical Damage:

To prevent chipping or scratching of the paving stones, do not drag sharp things or dump heavy objects across their surface. To save the stone from being damaged, use protection mats or furniture pads below large outdoor furniture.

Winter Care:

Use de-icing salts with caution if you live somewhere where it frequently freezes. Certain salts have the potential to harm the stone’s surface. Instead of using harsh chemicals for de-icing, use sand or calcium magnesium acetate (CMA).

Carreaux de sol et de mur en granit noir brésilien Via Lactea Fournisseur-Esta Stone

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